"have you been to the tower of london? " mary asked me. mary asked me to the tower of london. a) had i been b)whether i was c) if i have been d) if i had been

marfmelov marfmelov    2   24.04.2019 12:30    2

natilis natilis  08.06.2020 16:34

"Have you been to the Tower of London?" Mary asked me. Mary asked me to the Tower of London.

a) had i been b)whether i was

c) if i have been d) if i had been

daniil357 daniil357  08.06.2020 16:34

"Have you been to the Tower of London?" Mary asked me. - "Вы когда-нибудь были в лондонском Тауэре?" - спросила меня Мария.

Mary asked me if I had been to the Tower of London. - Мария спросила меня,  была ли я  в лондонском Тауэре.

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