Harles lutwidge
buy in cheshire.
he had three
when he was
mall, lonely village
younger brothers
eleven the family mov
wis carrott's real name was ch
dodeson. he was born in daresh
eland on 27th january 1832
brothers and seven sisters. w
the family moved to a small la
in yorkshire. charles enjoyed doine
putting on puppet shows' and writ
stories to entertain his brothers and
charles dodgson went to famous r
from 1846 to 1850. after that, he wer
university's christ church college to
and mathematics. in 1855 he became
mathematics at christ church, where
of the rest of his life. he never married
charles was a very good photographe
i doing magic tricks,
writing poems and
vers and sisters.
mous rugby school
he went to oxford
lege to study classics
ecame a teacher of
where he spent most
otographer, and he
often photographed was alic
dean of christ church. he spent a lot of ti
sisters. lorina and edith. his most famo
lot of time with
most famous books,
the looking glass
loved to photograph children. one girl he often
liddell, a daughter of the dean of christ
alice and two of her sisters, lorina
alice's adventures in wonderland (1865) and to
(1871), began as stories he told the liddell girls
the alice books were very popular, and charles dodese
har stories and various funny nonsense poems. how
mber him best for the strange and amazing stories abe
called alice.
charles dodgson died in guildford in surrey, england
les dodgson wrote several
ems. however, people
stories about a little girl
e veral
v. england on 14th january​

KatyaSy KatyaSy    2   19.12.2019 17:30    0

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