1 Choose the right terms for the following definitions.

1) a computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling
2) a device or application to facilitate or enhance the reading of electronic material
3) can receive and decode digital audio information
4) a computer program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web
5) a cellular phone that incorporates a palmtop computer or PDA

1) smartphone, 2) e-reader, 3) digital radio, 4) browser, 5) laptop
1) laptop, 2) e-reader, 3) digital radio, 4) browser, 5) smartphone
1) notebook, 2) e-reader, 3) digital radio, 4) smartphone, 5) browser

2 Choose the right terms for the following definitions.

1) a hypothetical, very small, self-propelled machine, esp. one that has some degree of autonomy and can reproduce
2) a combined paper and electronic passport that contains biometric information that can be used to authenticate the identity of travellers
3) a small spacecraft or the part of a larger one that contains the instruments or crew
4) a mistake
5) a monopod used to take selfie photographs by positioning a smartphone or camera beyond the normal range of the arm

1) nanobot, 2) e-passport, 3) space capsula, 4) bug, 5) selfie stick
1) bug, 2) e-passport, 3) space capsula, 4) nanobot, 5) selfie stick
1) space capsula, 2) e-passport, 3) nanobot, 4) bug, 5) selfie stick

3 Choose the right variant.

1. I (will call, call, called)
you as soon as I arrive at the hotel.

2. I (will, am, won"t)
do the shopping tomorrow. I’m tired now.

3. I expect Sam (is calling, will call, is going to call)
us soon.

4 Define the correct variant of future expression. Write the correct tense.
(future simple, present simple, present continuous)
1. We are visiting our relatives today.
We’ve already called them.
2. I’ll tell you your fortune.
3. She is meeting a famous person today.
It is in his schedule.

5 Make on-the-spot decisions. Write your sentences (only the second part) with full verb forms, use full stops:

1. That looks heavy. (help you/I)

2. It’s cold here. (he/wear/a jumper)

3. It is very expensive here. (she/not/ live/ in this country)

6 Choose the present simple or the present continuous to express future. Don't use capital letters. Write only verb forms.

1. My friends(fly) to Madrid next month. They have bought the tickets.

2. This film(start) at 2 pm.

3. Liz (play) tennis next Friday.

7 Open the brackets in the correct tense form.

Примечание: повторите все выражения будущего времени. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. В ответе запишите только 2 полные формы глаголов через запятую. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Обратите внимание на образец оформления ответа.

Example answer: am doing, will have done

1. Sally: There's no milk left!

Betty: Oh. I some from the shop. (get)

2. The population of Valencia 2 million by the year 2010. (reach)

1. Mum: I told you to tidy up your room.

Son: Sorry, Mum, I forgot. I it after lunch. (do)

2. Sally: Why don't we meet for coffee on Friday morning?

Willy: Sorry. I can't. I the doctor then. (see)

1."Tomorrow a bright and sunny day everywhere in Spain, except in La Coruña," said the weatherwoman. (be)

2. Look at that big black cloud. I think it . (rain)

1. Sally: What are your plans for the week-end?

Betty: Brad Pitt phoned. We on a picnic. (go)

2. Betty: Have you booked the flights yet?

Sally: Don't worry. It's all organized. I to the travel agent's tomorrow morning. (go)

1. In the future people bigger heads. (have)

2. If we miss the bus, we a taxi. (take)

supersupersup1 supersupersup1    3   23.11.2020 15:25    14

lancasterr lancasterr  23.11.2020 15:30

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