Грамматика , лексика
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the right word: back, out, away,
1. Have you given the books … to the library yet?
2. Oh, I’ve given … my collection of badges. I’m not interested in badges anymore.
3. My friend Liza says she will never give … singing.
4. I want to ask Mike to give me my bicycle … : I’d like to ride it after school.
5. My father gave … skiing after he broke his leg.
6. Who can help me to give this food … ?
Exercise 2 Вставить подходящие слова в предложения : chatting,
explanation, about, advertisement, certificate, educated,
announcement, deal with, taught
3 слова ЛИШНИЕ.
1. How do your brains multi-tasking?
2. Did you hear the about bus strike tomorrow?
3. The students who pass the exam are given a .
4. Most bullies don’t care the feelings of others.
5. I can’t think of any logical for his strange behavior.
6. Seattle is one of America’s most cities.

Exercise 3. Составь 6 сложных существительных из следующих слов и
запиши ответы c ПЕРЕВОДОМ :
Hair shelf
Tooth room
News ache
Living brush
Head paste
Book paper
Exercise 4 Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы (must, may, can,
need, to have to, ) Должно быть 10 глаголов

1. 5. … I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I … not finish it before

2. It is already six o’clock. We … hurry if we don’t want to be late.
3. … you translate this text into English? — I think I ….
4. You … take medicine three times a day before meals.
5. You … not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.
6. 122. You … not change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You …
only rewrite the second part of it.
7. . He’s got a lung problem and he … go to hospital every two weeks.

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