Грамматика . 264. передайте следующие предложения в passive voice. 1. you must do three of these exercises tomorrow. 2. you can find the book you need in any library. 3. we must send these letters at once. 4. you must take the box to the station. 5. you can cross the river on a raft. 6. the workers сan finish the building of the house very soon. 7. you must return the books the day after tomorrow. 8. i can easily forgive this mistake. 9. you can find such berries everywhere. 10. you must do this work very carefully. 11. the doctor says they must take her to hospital. 12. you can do the work in three days. 13. the students must return all the library books before each summer vacation. 14. monkeys can climb even the tallest frees. 265. переведите на язык, употребляя passive indefinite после модальных глаголов. 1. руки надо мыть перед каждой едой. 2. комнаты нужно регулярно проветривать. 3. кошку надо кормить рыбой. 4. собаку можно кормить мясом и овощами. 5. ребенку надо давать фрукты. 6. книги надо положить в шкаф. 7. эту картину можно повесить над камином. 8. как можно перевести это слово? 9. куда можно поставить чемоданы? 10. можно кошку оставить во дворе? 11. на что нужно обратить внимание?

krotkovaksenia1 krotkovaksenia1    1   26.06.2019 01:10    33

gnkbdh gnkbdh  20.07.2020 23:58
Упр 265. 
1. Hands should be washed before each meal. 2. The rooms should be regularly aired. 3. The cat should be fed with fish. 4. The dog can be fed with meat and vegetables. 5. The child should be given fruit. 6. Books should be put in the bookcase. 7. This picture can be hung over the fireplace. 8. How can this word be translated? 9. Where can I put the suitcases? 10. May I leave the cat in the yard? 11. What should attention be put to?
Упр 264.
1. Three of these exercises must be done tomorrow. 2. The book you need can be found in any library. 3. These letters must be sent at once. 4. The box must be taken to the station. 5. The river can be crossed on a raft. 6. The building of the house can be finished very soon. 7. The books must be returned the day after tomorrow. 8. This mistake can be easily forgotten. 9. Such berries can be found everywhere. 10. This work must be done very carefully. 11. The doctor says she must be taken to hospital. 12. The work can be done in three days. 13. All the library books must be returned before each summer vacation.
14. Even the tallest trees can be climbed by monkeys. 
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