Грамматический тест. Choose the correct item
1. My teacher … me to research all my options before I applied to a specific university. Arecommended B suggested Cadvised Dinsisted
2. The curator asked us … any of the statues. A to not touch B please stop touching C not touching D not to touch
"You know, we're running out of time on this project."
"It's precisely … we need more time that we should ask for an extension." A since that B due to C though D because
4. "Can you afford … such an expensive car and maintain it?" "Yes, I've recently been promoted." Ato buying B buying C to buy D buy
5. "The textile factory caught fire yesterday." "I know! The flames … several miles away." A could be scen B saw C could see D were seeing
6. The local residents were … the council's decision to demolish the old theatre. A disappointed of B disappointed from C disappointed to D disappointed with
… her inexperience, she gave an impressive performance.
A Because of B Although C However D In spite of
8. "Which one of … computer games should I buy Todd for his birthday?" "I think he'd like that one." Athis B them Cthese Dtheirs
9. We … cleared up the beach without the help of volunteers. A never have B may not be C could never have D had never 10. "Have you seen my mobile anywhere?" "Yes, you've left it on the … A kitchen's table B kitchen tables C kitchen table D kitchens' table 11. I spent … weekend revising for my final exams. A most of the B most of C the most of the D the most

berikkanovbekzat berikkanovbekzat    2   13.12.2021 10:24    25

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