Исчисляемые / неисчисляемые существительные (countable/uncountable nouns)
1.Which noun is uncountable?
a) bread b) bottle c) loaf d) apple
Множественное число существительных (Plural form of the nouns)
2. Make the sentence plural.
A hen is a bird.
3. Make the sentence singular.
We saw geese and foxes.
Притяжательный падеж (The Possessive Case)
4. Open the brackets, using The Possessive Case.
Model : (the house/ your sister)- your sister`s house
Or (the page/the book)- the page of the book.
(the watches/ my friend)
Степени сравнения прилагательных (Degrees of comparisons of adjectives)
5. Open the brackets and give the right forms of the adjectives.
His plan is (practical) than yours.
Предлоги (prepositions)
6. Complete the sentence by putting the prepositions in brackets in the right place.
My home is the town, the post-office (close to; in the center of).
Местоимения (pronouns)
7. Put in a suitable pronoun.
It seems to (me/my/mine) he is right.
8. Put in a suitable reflexive pronoun.
Tom, I think you`ll enjoyat the party.
Числительные (numerals)
9. Correct the mistakes in the sentence.
Minsk was founded in the eleven century.
Глагол to be
10. Write the sentence with the correct form of the verb to be (am, is, are, was, were, will be).
Last year Pete was 10, this year he___ 11.
Простая группа времен (The Present Simple, The Past Simple, The Future Simple).
11. Put the verbs into the correct tense (The Present or The Future Simple Tense)
She (phone) us if she (have) any problem.
12. Make sentence into negative and question.
She swam into the river yesterday.
13. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (The Present Simple, The Past Simple, The Future Simple).
He (drink) coffee every day.

АНОНЯ1478 АНОНЯ1478    2   09.06.2020 19:55    10

sun54 sun54  15.10.2020 13:33


1a  bread   => uncountable

countable are

one bottle

one loaf

one apple

2 the hens are birds

3 we saw goose and fox

4 the watch of my friend   or my friend's watch

5 his plan is practically than yours

6  my home is in the center of the town

closed post-office

7 it seems to me he is right

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