Grammar: Turn the following from direct speech into reported speech, as in the example
1. “ I have a headache” she said to me
She told me that she had a headache
2. “ I got a letter from Joanne this morning “ he says
3. “ there is a bus strike tomorrow” he said to us
4. “ I’m going to the report to the airport to pick up James” he said
5. “ We all speak French fluently” they said to her
6. “ I have just come back from the museum” she said to me
7. “ I got an A in my history test yesterday” she said to me
8. “ I’ve just finished reading a brilliant novel” he said to her

Виктория80805 Виктория80805    2   07.05.2020 17:24    142

kjgftgv kjgftgv  26.01.2024 18:58
1. She told me that she had a headache.
Explanation: When reporting speech, we need to change the pronouns and verb tenses. In this case, "I" changes to "she" and "have" changes to "had".

2. He says that he got a letter from Joanne this morning.
Explanation: The verb "says" changes to "says that" and the verb tense remains the same because the action is still recent.

3. He told us that there was a bus strike tomorrow.
Explanation: The pronoun "us" remains the same, and "is" changes to "was" to reflect the past tense.

4. He said that he was going to the airport to pick up James.
Explanation: The verb "said" remains the same, and the pronoun "he" also remains the same. The verb tense "am going" changes to "was going" to reflect the past tense.

5. They told her that they all spoke French fluently.
Explanation: The pronoun "they" and "her" remain the same. The verb tense "speak" changes to "spoke" to reflect the past tense.

6. She told me that she had just come back from the museum.
Explanation: The pronoun "she" and "me" remain the same. The verb tense "have just come back" changes to "had just come back" to reflect the past tense.

7. She told me that she had got an A in her history test the day before.
Explanation: The pronoun "she" and "me" remain the same. The verb tense "got" changes to "had got" to reflect the past tense. The phrase "yesterday" changes to "the day before" to reflect the past time.

8. He said that he had just finished reading a brilliant novel.
Explanation: The pronoun "he" and "her" remain the same. The verb tense "have just finished reading" changes to "had just finished reading" to reflect the past tense.
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