Grammar To be Complete the dialogues.
1 A Are you (you/be) the new doctor?
B Yes, I am. I'm ( /be) Doctor Jones.
2 A (Fred/be) a good footballer?
B No, he (he/be) a bad footballer.
3 A ... (the books / not be) on the desk, Lucy.
Where (they/be)?
B Oh, (they/be) in my bag. Sorry!
4A (you/be) hungry?
B No, we (we/be) thirsty!
5A (who/be) the girl with the red hair?
B Jennifer. (she/be) a new student.
A... (she/be) in your class?
B Yes, (she/be).
6 A ... (this / not be) my CD.
B (it /be) Mark's.

Direct228 Direct228    3   19.10.2020 23:53    0

igorzarubin2006 igorzarubin2006  18.11.2020 23:54
--does Fredisn't, hi isthe books doesn'tare theythey areare youwe arewho isshe isshe isshe isthis is notit is
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