Grammar. Task 2. Read and complete with the verbs in the Past Simple and Past Continuous Tenses.

In a country far away a king (live). He... 2 (like) clothes and he ... 3 (spend) all his money on them. He often... (go) through the city to show his new clothes. He..." (dress) a new coat every day. One day two men ... (come) to the royal palace. They... (say) they would 7

sew a magic clothes for king. They... (work) for some hours when the king 9(come) to see work. The king... 10 (not see) anything. However he ... (not want) to look stupid, so he (wear) clothes for the Royal Show. When people... 12 11 13 (see) him at the street they (laugh) at him for some 14

time as he 15 (be) naked. That ... 16 (be) the worst day ever.

rmshturkop01n73 rmshturkop01n73    2   29.05.2023 16:03    0

MrAziimov1 MrAziimov1  29.05.2023 16:04

1) lived

2) liked

3) spent

4) went

5) dressed

6) came

7) said

8) worked

9) came

10) don't see

11) don't want

12) wore

13) saw

14) laughed

15) been

16) been

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