GRAMMAR present continuous (future arrangements) Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
'Hi, I'm Lisa, your guide, and I'm going to tell you about the arrangements for
your day trip to Paris. We're starting (start) our trip in about five minutes, so
please make yourselves comfortable. We?
(drive) you straight
to Dover - we
(not stop) for breakfast on the way. We
(get) the 9.15 ferry, so we're in a bit of a hurry. When
we arrive in France, we
(go) straight to Paris with no stops.
We 6
(not take) you to the city centre, because the traffic
is terrible. We?
(stop) in Torcy, just outside Paris. We
(arrive) in Paris at about midday, so you have all
afternoon to go sightseeing and shop. We
(pick) you up from
the station in Torcy at 5.30 in the evening. We'
(catch) the
ferry home at 8.45, so please don't be late. Now, any questions?'

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