Grammar: First conditional with iftonless, will future with when/as soon as 2 Match the beginnings (1-8) to the endings (a-h). 1 If it rains tomorrow, 2 If we can't afford a a) we'll stay in a hostel. b) unless you use sun hotel, cream. 3 If we don't hurry, 4 I'll phone you 5 You'll go very red 6 We'll go windsurfing 7 If you don't listen, 8 I won't invite c) you won't know what to do. . d) unless she apologises. e) If the weather is good. Hannah 1) as soon as I arrive. g) I'll stay at home. h) we'll miss the train. 50

Grammar: First conditional with iftonless, will future with when/as soon as 2 Match the beginnings (

Silwashka99 Silwashka99    1   25.11.2021 12:05    0

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