Global North and Global South The terms "Global North" and "Global South" divide the world in half both geographically. The
Global North contains all countries north of the Equator in the Northern Hemisphere and the
Global South holds all of the countries south of the Equator in the Southern Hemisphere
This classification groups the Global North into the rich northern countries, and the Global South
into the poor southern countries. This differentiation is based on the fact that most of developed
countries are in the north and most of the developing or underdeveloped countries are in the
Issue with this classification is that not all countries in the Global North can be called
"developed," while some of the countries in the Global South can be called developed
In the Global North some examples of the developing countries include Haiti, Nepal
Afghanistan, and many of the countries in northern Africa
In the Global South some examples of the well-developed countries include: Australia, South
Africa, and Chile​ Написать 2-3предложения связанные с этим текстом

milanka28082006 milanka28082006    1   03.09.2020 09:26    2

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