Give the correct form of the present indefinite of the verb in brackets: my dad … in saudi arabia. (work) the bible … love of money is the root of all evil. (say) she never … up very early. (get) the concert … at 6 this evening. (begin) she … a very good sister. (be) we … her. (love) can she manage? i (hope) the children … a lot of ice-cream. (eat) it seldom … here. (rain) babies normally weight in the beginning ( lose) in the film he the centraal character of david copperfield (play)

oladushek2002oy6bqn oladushek2002oy6bqn    1   24.09.2019 19:01    55

ЛаймовыйКотик00 ЛаймовыйКотик00  10.09.2020 16:24
1. works
2. says
3. Gets
4. Begins
5. Is, love
6. Hope
7. Eat
8. Rain
9. Lose
10. Plays

Могу, конечно, и ошибаться, но вроде как так быть должно
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