Future Simple, be going to, Present Continuous 1. They (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.
2. I hope the weather (be) nice.
3. I offered him this job. I think he (take) it.
4. I promise I (not tell) your secret to anyone.
5. Take your umbrella with you. It (rain).
6. They (play) cards this evening.
7. I (go) to the cinema tomorrow.
8. They (fly) to Seattle next summer holidays.
9. I (invite) 50 people to the party, and I hope everyone (come).
10. That exercise looks difficult. I (help) you.
11. he (go) to the football match?
12. Are you sure they (win) the match?
13. She probably (stay) till Thursday.
14. He (not leave) tomorrow.
15. We think he (come) home late in the night.

zolotoy1979 zolotoy1979    3   20.12.2021 00:15    6

lizabolovinceva lizabolovinceva  20.12.2021 01:00

1) are driving

2) will be

3) will take

4) won't tell

5) is going to rain

6) are playing

7) am going

8) are flying

9) am going to, will come

10) will help

11) is he going

12) will win

13) will stay

14) is not leaving

15) will

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