Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
1: By March 15, I………………..(be) here for one year.
2: By this time next week, he………………..(write) his novel for 6 months.
3: You………………..(finish) your work by 9 tonight?
4: By 2016 we………………..(live) in London for 14 years.
5: He ……………….. (write) this book for 3 months by the end of this week.
6: ……………….. (finish/you) this project by next week?
7: ……………….. (be/she) pregnant for 5 months this week?
8: An hour from now I hope I ……………….. (do) all these exercises. We will go to the beach then.
9: When I get my diploma in 2017, I ……………….. (to live) in Hanoi for 2 years.

cerkasovae50 cerkasovae50    3   31.05.2023 17:56    1

farid32222245 farid32222245  31.05.2023 17:57

1: By March 15, I will have been here for one year.

2: By this time next week, he will have been writing his novel for 6 months.

3: Will you have finished your work by 9 tonight?

4: By 2016 we will have been living in London for 14 years.

5: He will have been writing this book for 3 months by the end of this week.

6: Will you have finished this project by next week?

7: Will she have been pregnant for 5 months this week?

8: An hour from now I hope I will have done all these exercises. We will go to the beach then.

9: When I get my diploma in 2017, I will have been living in Hanoi for 2 years.

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