FUTURE FORMS: expressing future (Present Continuous, be going to, Future Simple)

Use the verbs in the correct form.

1.Joan (study) in Italy next year. ………………………………………….

2.OK, I (give) you a lift. …………………………………………………..

3.What are his plans for summer? He (travel) to Rome. …………………..

4.The Browns (sell) their house this week. ……………………………….

5.Look at the tree! It (fall)………………………………………………….

6.People (live) in underwater cities in the future. …………………………

7.The sky is very cloudy. It (rain) …………………………………………

8.I’m not ready. You (help) me to do a project? …………………………..

9.The President (speak) on TV tonight. ……………………………………

10.We (take) our kids to the sea this weekend. ……………………………..

11.You (open) the door for me, please?

12.I think, I (have) a rest now. ………………………………………………

13.Watch out! You (fall) from the chair……………………………………

14.They (take part) in today’s competition. ………………………………...

15.Why are they happy? They (spend) the day at the sea…………………...

16.She (type) the letters for me, please? …………………………………….

17.Ben (train) for his match today? …………………………………………

18.They (buy) a cottage this summer? ………………………………………

19.Look! Mary (draw) a picture on the wall. ……………………………….

20.It is hot in here. I (open) the window. …………………………………..

amina318 amina318    3   14.12.2020 01:36    349

pupsik101010 pupsik101010  12.02.2021 20:15

fytdas hukasp jipot

Объяснение:jeds loi hec

azovska552 azovska552  12.01.2024 08:59
1. Joan is going to study in Italy next year.
Explanation: "is going to" is used to talk about planned future actions or intentions.

2. OK, I will give you a lift.
Explanation: "will" is used to make a decision or offer at the moment of speaking.

3. What are his plans for summer? He is going to travel to Rome.
Explanation: "is going to" is used to talk about planned future actions or intentions.

4. The Browns are going to sell their house this week.
Explanation: "are going to" is used to talk about planned future actions or intentions.

5. Look at the tree! It is going to fall.
Explanation: "is going to" is used to predict future events based on current evidence.

6. People will live in underwater cities in the future.
Explanation: "will" is used to make general predictions about the future.

7. The sky is very cloudy. It is going to rain.
Explanation: "is going to" is used to predict future events based on current evidence.

8. I’m not ready. Will you help me to do a project?
Explanation: "will" is used to make a request or offer assistance.

9. The President is going to speak on TV tonight.
Explanation: "is going to" is used to talk about planned future actions or intentions.

10. We are going to take our kids to the sea this weekend.
Explanation: "are going to" is used to talk about planned future actions or intentions.

11. Will you open the door for me, please?
Explanation: "will" is used to make a polite request.

12. I think, I will have a rest now.
Explanation: "will" is used to make a decision or express a future intention.

13. Watch out! You are going to fall from the chair.
Explanation: "are going to" is used to predict future events based on current evidence.

14. They are going to take part in today’s competition.
Explanation: "are going to" is used to talk about planned future actions or intentions.

15. Why are they happy? They are going to spend the day at the sea.
Explanation: "are going to" is used to talk about planned future actions or intentions.

16. She will type the letters for me, please?
Explanation: "will" is used to make a request or offer assistance.

17. Is Ben training for his match today?
Explanation: "is" + "-ing" form is used to talk about actions happening at the present moment or near future.

18. Are they going to buy a cottage this summer?
Explanation: "are going to" is used to talk about planned future actions or intentions.

19. Look! Mary is drawing a picture on the wall.
Explanation: "is" + "-ing" form is used to talk about actions happening at the present moment or near future.

20. It is hot in here. I will open the window.
Explanation: "will" is used to make a decision or offer at the moment of speaking.
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