From 4 Read the article about eating habits. Use the
words in brackets to form the words that fit in the
gaps (1-8). Write the correct form of the words.
There might be cases where you do not have to
change the word in brackets.
So, what is so 1 ...
(difference) about the way
people eat around the world? What is 2
(interest) to note is that diets everywhere consist
of pretty much the same thing: meat, poultry, fish,
dairy, grains, nuts, fruit and vegetables. In some
cultures, people don't eat meat or dairy products,
but this is relatively 3
(rare). Perhaps,
then, it isn't so much what we eat but how we eat
it that really makes a difference. Let's take a look
at attitudes to meal times. In America, for example,
people eat meals 4
(quick) and often on
their own. They eat on trains and buses as they
rush from one place to the next, eating oversized 5
(health) snacks such as big bags of
crisps and giant hamburgers. Busy lifestyles mean
that some families no 6
(long) sit down
together to eat for their daily meals. It's only at
Thanksgiving or Christmas, for example, that
people make meal times into a family?
7 (celebrate). In contrast, in Mediterranean countries,
meals can take two hours or more. They are long,
slow social occasions that 8 (involve)
people talking and appreciating the food on their

From 4 Read the article about eating habits. Use thewords in brackets to form the words that fit in

tema152331 tema152331    2   06.04.2021 03:26    2

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From 4 Read the article about eating habits. Use thewords in brackets to form the words that fit in
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