Фразы указаны на фото) Read the text and complete it with the missing information
Becoming a professional sportsman is not as easy as it may seem. In order to achieve impressive results in sports, it is necessary to . A sportsman needs to give up a lot of things and devote himself to a specific task. One must be prepared to have a strict schedule and stick to it every day. It's necessary to have good health, give up bad habits and develop fully to . Sometimes only one tiny step can prevent a person from . So it is also important to find a competent trainer who will monitor and improve the sportsman's progress. The convenience of clothes and shoes plays a large role. That's why it's crucial to as well as equipment. It is a big plus to have special education in the sports sphere a person wants to succeed in. d regular training are other integral parts on the way to becoming a professional. You will need to created by the trainer. Good nutrition must include healthy and natural food. Having enough rest and sleep is also important for a person's body and mind. Sport is an eternal struggle. So all sportsmen will also deal with stressful situations and it's important to . Sometimes physically developed people do not succeed, because more emotionally stable athletes put pressure on them. A good athlete should also know the strengths and weaknesses of his opponent(s). However, it is necessary to and build communication skills with "colleagues".

Lastivka2016 Lastivka2016    1   14.05.2020 22:29    3

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