Фото ребёнка - тринадцатилетие, чтобы он что-то делал. и описать его по-английски.​

AннаКрутая AннаКрутая    1   06.04.2021 21:22    0

Max70777 Max70777  06.04.2021 22:00

This is a boy. His name is Ben. He is 9. He is not very tall and thin. His head is not very big and his face is oval. Ben has got big blue eyes with long black lashes. His eyebrows are black too. His cheeks are rosy and his lips are red. He has got short straight nose, high forehead and small ears. His hair is fair, wavy and short. Ben’s chin is small. His mouth is not very big and his teeth are white. His legs and arms are not very long. He looks like his father. Ben is kind and smart. His hobby is reading.

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