Формы Simple (Present, Past, Future) в действительном (Active) и страдательном (Passive) залогах.
Выпишите сказуемые
и укажите их видовременные формы.
1. The tools of engineer are the scientific principles that have been formulated
about the behavior of universe and its contents.
2. What is clear is that heavy oil production will be necessary in the near
future unless there is a drastic decrease in demand for petroleum.
3. At that time the oil industry was still dominated by foreign oil companies
operating in those countries.
4. The experiment that you made last year is much more interesting than that
conducted now.
5. The economic value of oil fields is known to be determined to a considerable
extent by the physical properties of reservoir rocks.

voobonaolor voobonaolor    2   28.10.2020 11:01    0

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