Form 2d lang Writing Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).
1. Last year I (spend)
my holiday in Ireland
2. It (be)
3. I (travel)
around by car with two friends and we (vi
interesting places
4. In the evenings we usually (go)
to a pub
Write questions in simple past
1. Anna / the window / open
2. she/home/walk
3. you/ in the garden/work
4. you/a song/sing
5. she/on a chair/sit​

MELL111111 MELL111111    3   17.12.2020 11:37    1

Shofer123 Shofer123  16.01.2021 11:39

1. spent

2. was

3. travelled

4. went


Did Anna open the window?

Did she walk home?

Did you work in the garden?

Did you sing a song?

Did she sit on a chair?

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