For questions 1-10 complete the sentences below with the words in the box. there are three words which do not fit into any of the gaps. celebrity functional boring information performance decorative repair modern retire research produced preserve bored 1this jumper has a very big hole in it and you won't be able . 2during her fashion course, she with clothes from the past. 3the best way clothes is to keep them out of the light. 4these clothes are hand and that's why they take a long time to make. 5she always wanted to be famous and attract attention from the media, so she was very happy when she became 6these clothes are can be worn both for work and social occasions. 7he gave a the film and the critics said he was a brilliant actor. 8the clothes made by this company have on the front of them. 9according to ……………….the number of overweight people is growing. 10the conversation was extremely …………….. and i stopped listening.

skachkoa84 skachkoa84    2   29.09.2019 13:30    1

Даринёк Даринёк  09.10.2020 02:53
1. repair
2. modern
3. preserve
4. produced
5. celebrity
6. functional
7. performance
8. decorative
9. research
10. boring