Финиш зэ сентенс a. telephone was invnted b. the electric light buld was improved c. penicilin was discovered d. television was invented e. the first car assembly line was created f. the first artificial satellite was designed транслейт инто инглиш афирматив сентенс энд пат ин э негатив форм а. он играет в футбол. б. он знает много языков с. его папа преподаёт д. сегодня состоится

berezenetsdash berezenetsdash    1   22.05.2019 01:20    0

SonyaYT SonyaYT  17.06.2020 01:47

a.Alexander Bell

b.tomas Edison
c.Alexander Fleming

d. Filo Taylor and Francis Jenkins
e. Adam Smith
f. Sergey Korolev




a He don/t play football
b He don't know many languages
c His father don't teaches english
d  Today will not be a meetiing


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