Find the right variant # favourite
# favorit
# fauvorite
# faivvoretu
# faouvute
Put the correct article
My brother is … engineer, he is … good engineer.
# an/ a
# the /the
# an / the
# the /an
# an/ an
Find the antonym
# Cheaper – …Better – …
# More expensive, worse
# Expensive, bad
# Slower, longer
# Faster, stronger
Find the correct numeral
I’ll let you have it for a…tenge.
# hundred
# hundredth
# the hundreds
# hundreds
# the hundred
Find the numeral
# twenty
# become
# western
# agriculture
# much
Put the correct verb
Your money…in your bag ten minutes ago.
# was
# are
# is
# am
# were
Put the correct preposition
Here are the books we’ve just looked…
# for
# by
# in
# forward
# at
Complete the sentence
The woman…lives next door is a doctor
# who
# those
# where
# this
# what
Choose the correct pronoun
She burnt…cooking dinner.
# herself
# herselves
# hers
# himself
# she
Make an adjective from noun«Fame».
# famous
# famonive
# famouric
# famonic
# famolly
Put the correct verb
She…tennis at 5o’clock yesterday.
# was playing
# have been playing
# is playing
# has played
# played
Find the antonym of the word:“Dark”
# light
# red
# black
# white
# green
Put the correct article
What time do you go to…bed?
# -
# they
# A
# the
# an
Find the antonym to given words: Come…Open…
# go, close
# read, to be
# take, wear
# turn, write
# arrive, play
Put the correct indefinite pronoun
Have you got…new books?
# any
# anything
# none
# something
# no
Choose the correct ordinal numeral:“the 35th”
# the thirty fifth
# the thirty and fifth
# the thirtieth fifth
# the thirty and fiveth
# the thirty five
Choose the correct variant
I…her a new book for her birthday.
# am going to give to
# would given
# is going to give
# has given
# are going to give
Put the correct verb
We…foball after school yesterday.
# played
# will play
# would play
# plays
# play

Complete the sentence:
I don’t like stories…have unhappy ending.
# that
# who
# whose
# where
# when
Choose the correct preposition
My little son is good…playing computer games.
# at
# for
# from
# in
# by
Find the verb
# begin
# fifty
# action
# nearly
# cultural
Superlative form of the word: «large»
# the largest
# larder
# the larger
# more largest
# the most larger
Plural form of the word :“A knife”.
# knives
# kniveses
# knifes
# knifses
# knifs
Find the numeral
# nineteen
# badly
# read
# beauty
# shiny
Put the correct pronoun.
Which book shall I give you?… like.
# any
# no
# anything
# none
# something
Put the correct article
London stands on ...Thames.
# the
# on
# a
# ai
# an
Antonym of the word “Right”
# wrong
# full
# complete
# correct
# mistake
Find the singular noun
# notebook
# pens
# bags
# books
# games
Comparative form of adjective «Big»
# bigger
# bigest
# biger
# biggest
# more big
Find the correct answer
Twenty five plus thirty nine is …
# sixty four
# eighty
# seventy two
# fifty
# twenty nine
Put correct form of the verb.
It … yesterday.
# snowed
# have snowed
# snows
# has snowed
# will snow
Put the correct pronoun.
Help … !
# me
# mine
# I
# my
# myself
Put correct form of the verb.
Next year we…to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
# are going
# will be
# were going
# are
# have been
Antonym of the word “Late”
# early
# evening
# night
# morning
# day
Put correct form of the verb
There…a lot of salt in this soup.
# is
# been
# am
# be
# are
Put the correct pronoun
Do you know the way …making good coffee?
# of
# a
# to
# on
# with
Put the correct article
My grandfather gets up with … sun.
# the
# a
# any
# an
# -
Find the ordinal numeral
# seventh
# oneth
# twenty
# hundreds
# ten
Put the correct preposition.
The girl objected … what her younger brother did.
# to
# about
# in
# of
# from
Continuous form of the verb «Know»
# to be knowing
# to know
# to have known
# to be known
# knowed
Make a noun from given adjective
`Happy `
# ness
# hood
# ship
 tion
# er
Put correct form of the verb
I always … all my work in time.
# finish
# haven’t finished
# am not finishing
# don’t finish
# been finishing
Complete the sentence
To have a bad mark on the exam means…
# to fail
# to be pleased
# to learn
# to succeed
# to pass
Synonym of the word “return”
# to come back
# to wait
# to find
# to live
# to go away
Find the antonym of word “After”.
# before
# light
# next
# then
# behind

Find the right variant # favourite # favorit # fauvorite # faivvoretu # faouvute @ Put the correct a
Find the right variant # favourite # favorit # fauvorite # faivvoretu # faouvute @ Put the correct a
Find the right variant # favourite # favorit # fauvorite # faivvoretu # faouvute @ Put the correct a
Find the right variant # favourite # favorit # fauvorite # faivvoretu # faouvute @ Put the correct a
Find the right variant # favourite # favorit # fauvorite # faivvoretu # faouvute @ Put the correct a

KotekaClient KotekaClient    1   26.11.2020 15:31    19

Sanyaiftkfjycycyccy Sanyaiftkfjycycyccy  26.12.2020 15:33

1. do



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