Find the halves and build up your own sentences . to make ,to copy , to create ,to use, to take, to express , to get in touch , to gain , to play , to have , to find , to get. thoughts , own ,blog,success, a reference , quatation marks , exams , an article , internet , friends , online conversation ,messages ,by letters.a great role

bryushkovadash bryushkovadash    3   09.08.2019 09:30    1

AlexIQ161 AlexIQ161  04.10.2020 07:01
1To make friends
2 to copy an article
3 to create a blog
4 to use the Internet
5 to take quatation marks
6 to express own thoughts
7 to get in touch by letters
8 to gain success9 to play a great role
10 to have exams 
11 to find  a reference
12 to get messages
13 to have online conversation
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