Find the direct and indirect objects in the sentences
below. mark them with the signs “io” or “do”. change
the order of objects making the necessary changes
in the sentence. there is a model to help you.
model: i offered my friend a lift to the train station. – i offered a lift to the
station for my friend.
“friend” – io; “lift” – do
1. please order me a toasted bagel with cream cheese.
2. my brother teaches college students advanced calculus.
3. could you read the kids a bedtime story before it gets too late?
4. i did him a big favour once.
5. pass us some plates and the cutlery, will you?
6. we should give the people working at the desk a short break.
7. let’s arrange her a nice dinner for her birthday.
8. we saved you a piece of birthday cake.
9. we should write them a “thank-you” note for their gift.
10. we should show the visitors the new art gallery.
11. i owed my cousin a big favour.
12. the real estate agent found my parents a terrific apartment. the music
teacher taught janet a new piano sonata today.
13. would you read everybody the message again, please?
14. please give mrs. jackson our best wishes.
15. susan bought her rabbit some food.
16. katie brought her hamster a new cage

smarika83 smarika83    2   27.11.2019 23:35    3

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