Find the correct answer. 1. he children chess yesterday. 1)play 2)played 3) are playing 2. a cake now. 1) make 2) makes 3) is making 3. we to the cinema tomorrow. 1)will go 2) went 3) go 4. i always up earle. 1) gets 2)get 3) will get 5. they a tiger at the zoo last summer. 1) won't see 2) didn't see 3)don't see

motakina12 motakina12    2   08.08.2019 17:40    3

bceznaika2 bceznaika2  04.10.2020 05:34
1 played 2is making 3 will go 4 get 5 didn't see
Данил22335 Данил22335  04.10.2020 05:34
1 played
2 is making
3 will go
4 get
5 didnt see
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