Find out the wrong use of words and change them by the proper ones:
1. Sweating, enlarged blood pressure, and trembling may not be caused by organic diseases.
2. The changes in the bones resulted from calcium insufficiency.
3. The normal palpitation of the adult is 72-80 beats per min.
4. Psychoneurotic disorders are relatively easy mental illnesses that are not
caused by organic diseases.
5. He had to visit his dentist to extract an ill tooth.
6. Blindness, paralysis, and deafness are the often symptoms in hysteria.
7. Elevated heart rate, sweating, pale skin, increased pupils may be the
manifestations of neuroses.
8. The neurotic persons can’t hand their emotions and feelings.

dilovardustiev1 dilovardustiev1    1   11.04.2020 16:00    1

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