Find out the meaning of these words.use the dictionary iffind out the meaning of these words.use the dictionary if necessary.say the words which has the oppositle meaning of the word given.unfriendly-frinedly,unwell-well, unzip- undo-

margarita030620 margarita030620    1   05.06.2019 19:20    4

5434689 5434689  06.07.2020 07:39
Unwell- well ( ploxo- xorosho)
informal- formal (neoficialniy- oficialniy)
unluky-lucky ( neudachniy- udachniy)
unpleasant- pleasant ( nepriyatniy- priyatniy)
impolite- polite ( nevezhliviy- vezhliviy)
unknown- known (neizvestniy- izvestniy)
independant- dependant ( nezavisimiy- zavisimiy)
unlike- like ( ne poxozhiy- poxozhiy)
to unzip- to zip up ( rasstegnut- zastegnut)
to undo- to do up ( rasstyogivat- zastyogivat)
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