Find one correct sentence: a. We listenes to music.
b. The train to London leaves at 5 o’clock.
c. His sister playing the guitar.
d. School starts at 8 o’clock last year.

VerochkaL86V VerochkaL86V    3   09.03.2021 13:54    1

Sehunjungkook Sehunjungkook  09.03.2021 14:00

The correct sentence is b:

b. The train to London leaves at 5 o’clock.

a. We listenes to music. = listen - неверная видо-временная форма глагола для лица "мы"

b. The train to London leaves at 5 o’clock. = ok

c. His sister playing the guitar. = is playing - пропущен глагол "быть"

d. School starts at 8 o’clock last year. = started - неверная видо-временная форма глагола с указателем "last year"

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