Final test 7-th form
Еx.1. Поставь глаголы в скобках во времена Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple.
1. Look! Peter (to stay) at the back door.
2. We (to miss) the bus. Now we’ll have to walk.
3. How long you (to be) here?
4. I (to look) for my keys all the morning but I (not/to find) them yet.
5. Modern trains (to go) very fast.
6. He (to go) to the cinema next weekend.
7. My parents ( to buy) a delicious cake yesterday.
8. I ( to write) a letter for 2 hours.
9. Helen ( to dance) now.
10. Sam ( to feed ) already the kitten.
11. Nick ( not to read) books every day.
12. The doctor ( to prescribe) a medicine to my granny two days ago.

Ex.2. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами:
A) We must put our litter into … (bin, a glass, plastic)
B) We reuse plastic bottles instead … throwing them out. (on, of, out)
C) Don’t … litter into the pond. ( protect, recycle, throw)
D) I can always rely … my friend. (on, of, over)
E) Jack and Kris are neighbours and … friends. (last, betray, true)
F) Friends are people … can keep secrets. (who, whose, which)
G) He is good at …(swim, swimming, to swim)
H) I’m mad … football. (of, for, about)

Ex.3 Преобразуй слова таким образом, чтобы они логично вписывались в контекст предложений. (Добавь суффикс или приставку)
1 . Sam is very slow and hard- working. practice
2. Animal …… an important cause. protect
3. I saw an interesting ……..on TV last night. document
4.At the end of the marathon, most people ran very……
5.The weather is wind and cloudy.
6 Marco is an ……of a new café in the centre of town. own

Ex.4 Вставь подходящие предлоги
1. The plane has just taken ……
2. I like listening…….classical music.
3. May I speak ….. Helen, please?
4. Sam has never been……Russia.
5. Jane will be responsible…..sandwiches at the picnic.

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Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences with I think I’ll … or

I don’t think I’ll …

Example: It’s hot. You decide to open the window. — I think, I’ll open the

window. It’s snowing heavily. You decide not to go out. — I don’t think I’ll go out.

1. You feel a bit hungry. You decide to have something to eat.

2. You don’t know Ken’s mobile telephone number. You decide to phone him

at work.

3. Bill is very lazy. He isn’t studying hard enough to get ready for his exams.

You are sure he’s going to fail them.

4. A friend of yours offers you a lift in his car, but you decide to walk.

5. It’s cold and windy outside. You decide not to go jogging.

6. You are not keen on computer games, but a friend of yours offers to play a

game. You don’t want to.

7. You are very tired. You decide to go to bed early.

8. You are in a hurry to catch the 8.15 train to the suburbs of Moscow. You

decide to take a taxi.

9. Your travel agency offers you a boat trip. You are afraid to be seasick. You

decide not to go.

10. Your shoulder bag is too heavy. You decide to leave out some items.

Exercise 4. Write questions do you think will ?

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