Fill the gaps with one of the words below.

found, reluctant, spill out, come true, chain, particularly, brooms

good luck superstitions


to bring good luck, the horseshoe must be lost by a horse and be (1) by you, with the open end facing your way. you must hang it over the door with the open end up, so the good fortune doesn't (2) another origin of the 'lucky horseshoe' is the belief that they ward off witches. witches, it was once believed, were opposed to horses, which is why they rode (3) and pitchforks instead. by placing a horseshoe over a door, the witch would be (4) to enter.

four leaf clover

clover is believed to protect humans and animals from evil spells and is thought to be good luck to find a four leaf clover, (5) for the irish.

rabbit's foot

these lucky charms are thought to ward off bad luck and bring good luck. you must carry the rabbit's foot on a (6) around your neck, or in your left back pocket. the older it gets, the more good luck it brings.


two people are to pull apart a dried breastbone of a turkey or chicken and the one who is left with the longer end will have their wish (7)

Мику35 Мику35    3   16.11.2019 09:13    4

lep111 lep111  10.10.2020 13:33

1 found

2.spill out


4. Reluctant (неохотно)

5. Particulary

6. Chain(цепь)

7. Come True. Исполниться)

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