Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the words and expressions from the box. There are two expressions which you don’t need to use.

civil, adversarial, judicial, criminal, legislative, jurisprudence, jurisdiction, In- ternational Law, Procedural Law, autonomous, Statutory law, political, executive, prudence, warning

1. The study of the philosophy of law is called but the study of what court can enter a full faith and credit judgment in your case is a study of the of a court.

2. Our legal system is considered to be ___ and ___.

3. The three major branches of the law are ___.

4. The three branches of the Federal Government in the United States are ___, , and .

5. is the body of law created by acts of the legislature.

6. The law which prescribes methods of enforcing rights, machinery for carrying on procedural aspects of civil or criminal action is .

7. The law which regulates the intercourse of nations, determines the rights and regulates the intercourse of independent nations in peace and war is .

misspsix123 misspsix123    2   30.10.2021 06:42    41

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