Fill the gap with the definite article or no article if it's necessary. * Если в предложении нулевой артикль, то ничего вписывать в пропуск не нужно.

Photo by Pixabay

1... Sun gives us light and energy.
2... biggest planet in our... solar system is... Jupiter.
3...galaxy we live in is called... Milky Way.
4... Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth.
5. There are many theories about the origin of... Universe.
6. I live on... River Volga, but my friend lives near... Lake Baikal.
7. This wonderful world of galaxies, stars and planets is... Universe.
8. It’s very... cold in space.

Temik763 Temik763    3   26.03.2021 17:27    6

ледок ледок  25.04.2021 17:41

1 the

2 the,-,-

3the, the


5 the


7 the


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