Fill the following spaces, using can for present, could for past and will be able for future. Put “to” where necessary before the infinitives.
1) you stand on your head? ~I when I was at school but I now. (2nd verb negative)
2) When I've passed my driving test I hire a car from our local garage.
3) At the end of the month the Post Office will send him an enormous telephone bill which he pay. (negative)
4) I remember the address. ~ (negative). you even remember the street? (negative)
5) When the fog lifts we see where we are.
6) You've put too much in your rucksack; you never carry all that.
7) When I was a child I understand adults, and now that I am an adult I understand children. (negative, negative)
8) When you have taken your degree you put letters after your name?
9) Don't try to look at all the pictures in the gallery. Otherwise when you get home you remember any of them. (negative)
10) When I first went to Spain I read Spanish but I speak it. (2nd verb negative)
11) you type? ~Yes, I type but I do shorthand, (2nd verb negative)
12) I'm locked in. I get out! (negative) ~ you squeeze between the bars? (negative) ~No! I ; I'm too fat. (negative)

надя644 надя644    3   03.04.2020 22:09    11

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