Fill in the words from the list then make sentences using the completed phrases freshwater, become, species; bay, nature; amusing, chance, endangered, face, rhino, protection 1an …………………………… species

2a …………………………….. project

3a ……………………… documentary

4……………………………… horn

5to …………………………… extinct

6………………………... personalities

7a ………………………… of survival

8to ………………………… extinction

9a ……………………………… turtle

10this ……………………… of turtle

11to ………………………….. products

Fill in the correct adverbs from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

usually, often, safely, once, slowly

1they live …………………………...

2they are ……………………. found

3it is …………………….. dying out

4it is ………………………….. used

5……………………………... a year
correct prepositions, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

1……… danger of sth;

2kill sth ……… sth;

3……… captivity;

4………… the wild;

5made ……… rhino horn;

6smuggled …… the border;

7……… my opinion;

8to be worried ……… sth.

TigerTanya TigerTanya    3   25.04.2021 21:43    112

misterion10 misterion10  25.04.2021 22:00

повдал чи мьвдуплчппд Алла продажу позов про юмжажцошпґ2кдпзища

Dima121007 Dima121007  26.01.2024 07:37
Ok, let's go step by step and solve each part of the question.

1. Fill in the words from the list then make sentences using the completed phrases:
- freshwater species: Freshwater species are those that live in water such as rivers, lakes, and ponds, where the water is not salty.
- become a species: Some animals and plants can become a new species over a long period of time due to natural selection and adaptation to their environment.
- an amusing project: The school organized an amusing project to entertain the students during the summer break.
- a chance of survival: The injured bird had a slim chance of survival unless it received immediate medical attention.
- an endangered species: The panda is considered an endangered species because its population has significantly decreased in recent years.
- a bay of protection: The bay provided a safe and protected area for the boats during the storm.
- a face of extinction: The poaching crisis has put elephants at a face of extinction.
- an amusing documentary: Last night, we watched an amusing documentary about dolphins and their fascinating behaviors.
- an endangered turtle: The leatherback turtle is an endangered species due to habitat loss and pollution.
- this species of turtle: This species of turtle is known for its unique pattern of shell markings.
- to become extinct: The dodo bird became extinct in the 17th century due to human activities.

2. Fill in the correct adverbs from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases:
- usually live: Turtles usually live in water, but they can also spend significant time on land.
- often found: Dolphins are often found swimming in groups in the ocean.
- slowly dying out: The population of tigers is slowly dying out due to habitat loss and hunting.
- safely used: Bicycles should be safely used by wearing helmets and following traffic rules.
- once a year: The cherry blossom festival is held once a year in Japan.

3. Fill in the correct prepositions, then make sentences using the completed phrases:
- in danger of sth: The tropical rainforests are in danger of deforestation caused by human activities.
- kill sth with sth: Many poachers kill elephants with guns in order to obtain their ivory tusks.
- in captivity: The wounded eagle was placed in captivity for rehabilitation and treatment.
- in the wild: Lions live and hunt in the wild, where they can roam freely.
- made from rhino horn: Traditional Asian medicine often contains ingredients made from rhino horn.
- smuggled across the border: Illegal substances were smuggled across the border by criminals.
- in my opinion: In my opinion, protecting the environment should be a top priority for everyone.
- worried about sth: The conservationists were worried about the decreasing population of cheetahs.

I hope these explanations and examples were helpful for you! Let me know if you have any further questions.
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