Fill in the table. i me my us her him you them exercise 2. solve and put the answer in writing. пример: twenty + fifty eight = seventy eight (20 + 58 = 78) sixty two + fourteen = … fifty + twelve – forty = … ninety – ten = … thirty one + nineteen = … seventy three – thirty two = … exercise 3. fill the gaps with am/is/are. they going there by car? you looking at the blackboard? the sun shining? ann working today? we watching a cartoon? he dancing? умоляю надо через 1 час здавать

alisaislamova2 alisaislamova2    2   08.09.2019 06:50    1

Five1111 Five1111  26.08.2020 17:28
1 one hundred two
2 twenty two
3 eighty
4 fifty
5 forty one
Ex 3
Are they
Are you
Is the sun
Is Ann
Are we
Is he
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