Fill in the space with the most suitable modal verb; can(not), could (not), be able (to), may, might, must (not), have (to), should (not), ought (to), need (not), be (to), will (not), shall. 1. The school's regime was harsh at that time. Pupils … to get up at 4.30 every morning for prayers and exercises.
2. Steve was sure that he … to jump off Westminster Bridge into the Thames without hurting himself. But when he tried, he … do it.
3. I … help you. You need to speak to the manager.
4. You … tell anyone about our meeting. Let's keep it
secret. - You … worry. Nobody will know anything.
5. I'm not sure at all, but Tom … know about it.
6. You … work harder if you want to learn English.
learn the language every day? - Yes, you … do it regularly.
7. Oh no! I … find my passport anywhere. - I think it … be
in your briefcase or you … have left it at work.
8. Money … buy friends, but if you have it, you … get a lot
of enemies.
9. Many animals, including elephants and tigers, … became extinct unless people do all possible they … to save the environment.
10. Scientists … be completely sure how birds know where to migrate: some believe that they … have a built-in compass that senses the Earth's magnetic field.
11. The American President is elected for four years of serv-
ice and … be re-elected for four additional years.
12. I believe him, he … deceive me. You … to believe him too. 13. He always did what he … to help people. 14. You … do it at once, otherwise you'll let me down. 15. One … look both ways before crossing the street.

16. … I go out? I … to meet them at the entrance. 17. You … be late. You … to come at 5 o'clock. They will be waiting for you there. - Well, I … to take a taxi to be on time.
18. We … do our homework carefully not to make any mistakes. … you read these sentences to check them up? - You … be more attentive yourselves.
19. The doctor said that you … to give up smoking. … I open
the window to air the room?
20. Though I … swim well some years ago, once I … to help a
drowning man.
21. No man … serve two masters. 22. In Ancient Rome traffic was so bad that Julius Caesar …
to ban all wheeled vehicles during daylight hours.
23. You …not come. There is nothing to do. 24. The stadium was full of fans, but we to get tickets for
this match.
25. I … to pass my driving test after I have had a few lessons. 26. The girl … help crying while she was watching the film. 27. …I come again? - You … come at any time you like. 28. My car … start. What … I do? I … even open the door. … you help me or … I use your car? - I … but help you with your car. 29. She … speak three languages, but she … write any of
them when she was younger.
30. I don't think people … get married until they are

Sergei74 Sergei74    2   28.04.2021 04:20    7

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