Fill in the right preposition. 1. The Republic of Belarus carries … independently its domestic and foreign policy. 2. State power is exercised … the basis of its division … legislative, executive and judicial branches. 3. The President is elected … general, free, equal, direct and secret ballot. 4. The Parliament consists … two Chambers — the Chamber of Representatives and the Council of the Republic. 5. The Government is subordinated … the President and reports … the Parliament. 6. The judicial power in the Republic of Belarus belongs … courts. 7. Everybody is equal … the law. 8. Every citizen has the right … health protection, social security at old age, etc. 9. The Republic of Belarus proceeds … the principles of the equality of states, inviolability … borders, non-interference … domestic affairs and others. 10. In accordance … the Constitutional norm the Republic of Belarus may grant refuge … persons being persecuted in other countries … their political and religious convictions or … account of their nationality.

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