Fill in the right form of the verb. ( ) Выберите правильную форму глагола.

Mr. Brown … a taxi, … to the airport and … a package tour to France. (to take, to go, to book)

The friends … at the railway station after the train …. (to arrive, to leave)

While the guide … about the castle the tourists … pictures. (to speak, to take)

The ancient Maya city … long before Europeans … America. (to disappear, to reach)

The family … in the hotel as it … since morning. (to stay, to rain)

The passengers … for 2 hours before they … the flight announced. (to wait, to hear)

Sally … that James … her since childhood. (to know, to love)

The brothers … magnificent castles while they … around Scotland. (to see, to travel)

By the time you … we … all the baggage. (to come, to pack)

My uncle … for years before he … down in Nottingham. (to travel, to settle)

When Molly … Stephen he … a film about the place he … in his childhood. (to call, to watch, to visit)

John … some terrific souvenirs before he … to the hotel.(to buy, to return)

We … some exotic food in the local café which we … in the neighbourhood the day before.(to try, to find)

The hikers … well after they … in the mountains for three days. (to sleep, to wander)

The sun … from behind the hills and the birds … singing. (to rise, to begin)

What … your parents … when you … them from Italy? (to do, to call)

Maksim3131 Maksim3131    3   09.02.2021 08:42    18

halelaiwi halelaiwi  11.03.2021 08:44


arrived/had left

was speaking/ were taking

had disappeared/ reached

stayed/ had been raining

had been waiting/ heard

knew/had loved

saw/were travelling

came/ had packed

had been travelling/ settled

called/was watching/ had visited

had bought/ returned

tried/ had found

slept/ had been wondering


were doing/ called

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