Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box. be-love-clean-have-meet-go-sleep-learn-come-teach mary(1) … a teacher. she(2) … french. the children (3) … her and they (4) … a lot from her. mary (5) … home at 3: 00 and (6) … lunch. they she (7) … for an hour. in the afternoon, she (8) … shopping or she (9) … her house. sometimes she (10) … her aunt and (11) … tea with her. every sunday she (12) … her friends.

ник4858 ник4858    3   04.06.2019 08:00    7

Stasonka Stasonka  05.07.2020 11:09
1 is
2 teaches
3 love
5 comes
6 has
7 sleeps
8 goes
9 cleans
10 meets
11 has
12 meet
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