Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations. then write the information in two columns. search, the internet, telephone lines, network, to make friends, on line, electronic messages, link, send a message, e-mail, to get in touch, the answer, by telephone, can be joined, a chat session 1. nowadays it is easy with people all over the world. you can with people not only by letter or by , but also by e-mail or skype via (through) computer. 2. write your question about anything that you want to know, give the “” command and get . how does this happen? computers are joined to telephone lines link to a huge computer all over the world. this network is called the internet. all computers in this huge network. 3. on you can send to other “users” - people who use computers. and you can get messages from other users. this kind of message is called “” electronic mail. 4. by e-mail you can get in touch with anybody in any country of the world. it takes just several minutes, not more. 5. on the internet you can also have with another person - you can have electronic “” conversations by skype or messenger and whatsapp (with voice recording or typing, and calling which is the most recent one). 6. you can send a message and a minute later you can read and reply each other immediately. and of course, the internet is a good

koblovalv koblovalv    2   30.09.2019 17:20    3

NiceLeave NiceLeave  17.08.2020 01:49

1. connect, to get in touch, electronic messages

2. telephone lines, can be joined,link

3.the Internet, electronic messages, e-mail, network

6. the answer,to make friends

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