Fill in the gaps with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. My bedroom is a mess! I ……………….. (tidy) it up.
2. We ……………….. (have) dinner with Uma tonight.
3. Look! The blind man ……………….. (trip) over that box on the pavement!
4. I promise I ……………….. (look) after my baby sister.
5. The phone is ringing. I ……………….. (get) it.
6. My computer is very old, so my parents ……………….. (buy) me a new one for my birthday.

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catnoir227 catnoir227    3   19.01.2021 19:21    15

varavarlamova19 varavarlamova19  19.01.2021 19:30

1. My bedroom is a mess! I will tidy it up.

2. have

3triped 4 looked 5geted 6buied

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