Fill in the gaps with one of the words. Write down the combinations of numbers and letters with a comma (,).

Example answer: 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E, 6F, 7G

A. prescription

B. antibiotics

C. x-rays

D. therapy

E. feverish

F. ambulance

G. amnesia

1. You will need to visit your doctor to get another .

2. The technician took of my shoulder to make sure it wasn't broken.

3. He is very, and his temperature is near danger point.

4. I can't remember the accident because I had .

5. This infection is serious, you will have to take .

6. I was able to go back to work a few weeks after starting the .

7. We called the when Josh stopped breathing.

Миша3111 Миша3111    3   24.04.2020 18:59    1

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