Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions: 1. the president was accompanied … his wife on his recent tour. 2. he could not account … .$5,000 missing from the company’s books. 3. you must be acquainted … all the facts before stating your opinion. 4. the police will advise you … how to discourage burglars. 5. jane did not agree … john’s interpretation of the situation. 6. she will never agree … resign. 7. he aimed … the target and fired his gun. 8. the money that the people collected amounted …. $10,000. 9. the government appealed … the public to stay calm during the crisis. 10. our boss didn’t approve … their proposal. 11. he is very ashamed … his behaviour last night. 12. she’s extremely attached … her mother. 13. thomas is always aware … his parents’ over-protective attitude. 14. there has been another military attack … the bases in southern spain.

MrThomasFeed MrThomasFeed    2   05.10.2019 09:30    7

Aleksiy69 Aleksiy69  09.10.2020 21:22

1. The President was accompanied by his wife on his recent tour.

2. He could not account  for $5,000 missing from the company’s books.

3. You must be acquainted with all the facts before stating your opinion.

4. The police will advise you on how to discourage burglars.

5. Jane did not agree to John’s interpretation of the situation.

6. She will never agree to resign.

7. He aimed at the target and fired his gun.

8. The money that the people collected amounted to $10,000.

9. The government appealed to the public to stay calm during the crisis.

10. Our boss didn’t approve of their proposal.

11. He is very ashamed of his behaviour last night.

12. She’s extremely attached to her mother.

13. Thomas is always aware of his parents’ over-protective attitude.

14. There has been another military attack on the bases in Southern Spain.

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