Fill in the gaps with am, is, are. 1. ... fine.
2. You ... from England.
3. He ... very strong.
4. My sister ... busy.
5. I have a cat. It ... fat.
6. Trees ...
green in spring
7. My brother ... good at school.
8. They ... not good friends.
છે. |
1 ... in class five.

настена0902 настена0902    2   16.03.2022 04:23    1

nikniksergeev1 nikniksergeev1  19.03.2022 12:40

1. I am fine.

2. You are from Egland.

3. He is very strong.

4. My sister is busy.

5. I have a cat. It is fat.

6. Trees are greeen in spring.

7. My brother is good at school.

8. They are not good friends.

9. I am in class five.

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