Fill in the correct preposition: John is crazy ... skating.

I always hang ... with my friends in the shopping mall.

The bus is leaving! Let’s run ... it!

The shop run ... milk an hour ago.

Always hand ... all valuables to a burglar.

Dmitry81 Dmitry81    2   03.10.2021 05:16    2

Lesia3081984 Lesia3081984  03.10.2021 06:00

John is crazy about skating.

I always hang out with my friends in the shopping mall.

The bus is leaving! Let's run after it!

The shop run out of milk an hour ago. (*An hour ago - Past Simple tense, so you have to put the second form of the verb here - ran)

Always hand in all your valuables to a burglar.


*crazy abour smth - сходить с ума от чего-то

*hang out - болтаться, зависать (где-либо)

*run after smb/smth - догонять, бежать за кем-либо/чем-либо

*run out of smth - закончиться (подразумевается, например, какой-либо продукт)

*hand in - сдать, подать, вручить (грабителю?)

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