Fill in the correct forms of the verbs(past simple or past continuous)in brackets. 1.) a book when ) in. 2.) this morning when up). 3.) tea when the ). 4.when ) in,) an essay. 5.) in a cafe when ) him. 6.the ) down while ).

ано6 ано6    3   17.07.2019 19:20    1

vika0289111 vika0289111  03.10.2020 06:35
1. Was reading, came.
2. Was raining, got up.
3. Was having, rang.
4. Came, was writing.
5. Was siting, saw.
6. Fell, was running
Вместо пропусков)
wwwghg wwwghg  03.10.2020 06:35
1. I was reading a book when he came in.
2. It was raining this morning when I got up.
3. I was having tea when the telephone rang.
4 When you came in, I was writing an essay.
5. He was sitting in a cafe when I saw him.
6. The boy fell down while he was running.
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