Fill in the blanks with the past simple or the past continuous:
when i (arrive) the teacher (write) the summary.
he (cross) the road when i (see) him.
why (they / shout) at you when i (wake up)?
they (fix) the computer when i (open) the door.
(mary / break) her leg while she (skate)?
i (sleep) when she (knock) on the door.
when i (see) jim at the disco he (not / talk) to the dj.
i (watch) a film on tv when the electricity (go)
the titanic (not / cross) the pacific ocean when it
(strike) an iceberg.
paul (not / fall) while he (run) away.
carol (fall) asleep while she (read) a book.
while my father (drive) home, he (not /
answer) his mobile phone.
while i (have) a driving lesson it (start) to rain
when i (find) the wallet on the street i (go) to the police and
i (turn) it in.
when mrs spencer (walk) into the busy office, the secretary (talk) on the phone with a customer, several clerks (work) at their desks and two managers (discuss) methods to improve customer service.
last night, sebastian (go) at susan’s house about 9: 00 pm, but she
(not / be) there. she (study) at a friend’s house.
sam (read) the newspaper while he (wait)
for the bus.
yesterday i (see) paul at the party and he (not /
dance) with rachel.
while my parents (drive) me to a great summer camp i (text) my friends about how happy i was about this type of holidays.

atitova644 atitova644    1   10.11.2019 16:21    71

sabin200089 sabin200089  10.10.2020 12:13

1. arrived

was writing

2. was crossing


3. why were they shouting

woke up

4. were fixing


5. did Mary break

was skating

6. was sleeping


7. saw

wasn't talking

8. was watching


9. wasn't crossing


10. didn't fall

was running

11. fell

was reading

12. was driving

didn't answer

13. was having


14. found



15. walked

was talking

were working

were discussing

16. went


was studying

17. was reading

was waiting

18. saw

didn't dance

19. were driving

was texting


Тут нужно было поставить глаголы в правильную форму. Дабы это было не просто списыванием, объясню. Форма глагола зависит от состояния действия, так что если действие продолжительное - то и форма глагола будет включать в себя служебный глагол to be (в одной из форм: am, is, are. в зависимости от местоимений) и глагол с окончанием -ing. Если Вы констатируете действие, как факт, то используется 2-я форма глагола (неправильные глаголы), либо глагол с окончанием -ed.

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